Sponsor a Child’s Education
At Heritage Homes, we believe the cycle of poverty can be broken if children gain a good education. Please help us to provide our children with the life changing opportunity of an education.
Corporate social responsibility
Enlist Heritage Homes Orphanage in your Organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility The support of our corporate partner helps us to provide a safe, loving Home and a better future thus contributing to community development and sustainable outcomes. You can also allow placement of Heritage Homes Orphanage donation box in your Organization for fundraising purpose.
You can volunteer your time to render free service to the Home in your core area of competence
Give in Memory
Remembering someone you lost by donating to a cause that was dear to them can be a wonderful way to pay tribute.
Celebrate your Special Day with Us.
Do something worthy on your birthdays, anniversaries and joyous moments.
Individual Giving
Contributions from individuals like you enable us to continue to give our angelic children the chance to thrive in a secure environment with the resources they need to achieve their full potential. You can sponsor bill for specific areas of need e.g. education, health, staff salaries etc
Company accounts details:
For all donation;
Zenith Bank – 1010839604
GT Bank – 0014041843
USD Dom Account:
Zenith Bank – 5070023656 USD
Account Name: The Heritage Homes